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Finnish NGO, Fida International xsd:string |
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Maharashtra Village Development Project.Improved quality of life and self help attitude of people in Maharashtra rural areas. Especially farmers are suffering with circle of debt. Our partner is South India Assemblies of God. The Project partner has already established good relationship with the under privileges and downtrodden people in rural area is advantage to organize the community. The villagers are jobless and circle of debt turn the rural families in poor situation of all areas of basic needs! This situation pushes them to search for better life and migration from villages in to the urban areas like a Mumbai. Due to increase of migration, they become slum and street dwellers that they never thought about it. We have conducted survey in 32 villages. As per the survey the people lack of basic needs like food, house, water, education, sanitation, health care etc. The rural women and the children are malnourished. The people are farmers and manual labourers. The Project committee is going to choose five pilot villages, where the plan is start work during 2008. The purpose of work is to cover all areas of basic needs of the rural community in Maharashtra by CDE (Community Development Education) activities. To improve quality of life in their basic needs of rural community in Maharashtra which partly contributes to their social and economical status in the community. xsd:string |
2010-12-31T00:00:00Z xsd:dateTime |
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<https://openspending.org/finland-aid/recipient-country/in> | |
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<https://openspending.org/finland-aid/sector/16050> | |
Frame agreement with NGO (Fida Int.) xsd:string |
2009-01-01T00:00:00Z xsd:dateTime |
0 xsd:string |
C01 xsd:string |
110.0 xsd:string |
10.0 xsd:string |
2011-01-01 xsd:date |
2011 xsd:gYear |
_:AX2dX32ad668dX3aX14a776775b6X3aXX2dX4b9e |
lsi:finland-aid | |
qb:Observation | |
finland-aid observation 0243e9cb57f5f62394db024d924b8d5c7e6ef343 xsd:string |