dbr:Euro | |
1.0 xsd:string |
1475840.0 xsd:string |
1475840.0 xsd:string |
1.0 xsd:string |
0.0 xsd:string |
41114.0 xsd:string |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) xsd:string |
0.0 xsd:string |
0.0 xsd:string |
0 xsd:string |
918.0 xsd:string |
UNDP shall implement the flagship project on the theme Aid For Trade in the framework of Wider Europe Initiative. The first phase of the programme (2009-2010) consists of three components: 1) Aid for Trade Road Map in Central Asia: Identification of national and regional AfT priorities, 2) Support to Economic Development along Trade Corridors, 3) AfT Needs Assessments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The phase I shall provide a background for broader AfT support during the Phase II. The phase II is based on the results of the phase I and will be implemented during 2011 - 2013. xsd:string |
2010-12-31T00:00:00Z xsd:dateTime |
xsd:string |
250.0 xsd:string |
1475840.0 xsd:string |
41.0 xsd:string |
25.0 xsd:string |
<https://openspending.org/finland-aid/recipient-country/0> | |
11981.0 xsd:string |
<https://openspending.org/finland-aid/sector/25010> | |
Aid for Trade for Central Asia, South Caucasus and Eastern Europe xsd:string |
2009-07-02T00:00:00Z xsd:dateTime |
2 xsd:string |
B03 xsd:string |
110.0 xsd:string |
10.0 xsd:string |
2011-01-01 xsd:date |
2011 xsd:gYear |
_:AX2dX32ad668dX3aX14a776775b6X3aXX2dX4be9 |
lsi:finland-aid | |
qb:Observation | |
finland-aid observation 006d913ddb9578cc265f49bfa9878784827fea01 xsd:string |