dbr:Euro | |
2.0 xsd:string |
182506.0 xsd:string |
182506.0 xsd:string |
1.0 xsd:string |
0.0 xsd:string |
50000.0 xsd:string |
Other, Aquamec Oy and Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) xsd:string |
244504.0 xsd:string |
244.504 xsd:string |
PHI xsd:string |
918.0 xsd:string |
Dredging of rivers and waterways as a flood control measure. xsd:string |
2010-12-31T00:00:00Z xsd:dateTime |
Mindanoa, Luzon, Mindoro xsd:string |
140.0 xsd:string |
182505.96 xsd:string |
50.0 xsd:string |
14.0 xsd:string |
<https://openspending.org/finland-aid/recipient-country/ph> | |
11612.0 xsd:string |
<https://openspending.org/finland-aid/sector/14040> | |
Rehabilitation of waterways in Philippines xsd:string |
2006-10-05T00:00:00Z xsd:dateTime |
0 xsd:string |
C01 xsd:string |
210.0 xsd:string |
10.0 xsd:string |
2011-01-01 xsd:date |
2011 xsd:gYear |
_:AX2dX32ad668dX3aX14a776775b6X3aXX2dX4bff |
lsi:finland-aid | |
qb:Observation | |
finland-aid observation 0008d21cfc203bd522cc4d6d26b6b00d0297a3d0 xsd:string |